
Thursday, April 7, 2011

In the Beginning

Welcome to the inaugural post of my “This Time I’m GOING to Learn to Read Tarot Cards” blog.  I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I plan to do!

I’ve been interested in tarot cards for as long as I can remember.  I’ve always loved their pretty and mysterious images, their size, their variety, even before I really knew anything about them.  I don’t know why, and I don’t suppose it truly matters—I love them even more now that I know a little more about them.

Not that I feel I can read them, mind you.  That’s the point of this blog.  A friend gave me my first set of cards about a decade ago.  (The Robin Wood Tarot—thanks, Terry!  I’ve read in more than one place that your first set of tarot cards should be a gift from another.)  Over that decade, I’ve bought and been given more decks.  I’ve also bought many books on how to read them, and made many false starts on learning to do so, always sure that THIS method would be the one to work for me.  But I’ve always given up, usually before I really got started.  Not this time!  I’m hoping this blog will provide some much needed accountability and see me through it.

How exactly am I planning to proceed?  There are a zillion websites on tarot out there, and just as many methods of learning.  I might get to some of those online resources eventually, but for now I’m going to concentrate on the books I already own.  

My goal, ultimately, is to become a certified Tarot Grandmaster.  I believe that with hard work and perseverance, I can do it, even if takes the rest of my life.

Wish me luck as I begin!

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